Featured Travelers

Our First Featured Traveler : Montana Busche

Before I left for Haiti, I had only ever heard of the devastation and seen the horrible pictures on the news. As soon as I got off the plane and saw musicians playing and jamming out to some tunes I was happy being there yet nervous for what I was about to encounter. I was nervous that the pictures on my T.V. screen would come to life, and they did. I saw devastating towns, villages and tent cities covered with mud, as well as kids with no clothes and malnutrition modeled by children with big bellies. I was expecting heartbreak, sadness, abandonment, and not much happiness. However, I was greeted with open arms and kisses by the families of the people I traveled to Haiti with and the children I stayed in the orphanage with. I was greeted with soul and faith, the strong dreams the people had, their happiness and joy in the simple and little things and how much they appreciated being with their families. They value the time spent with friends and family like children in the United States value their video games and FaceBook. Both of my trips to Haiti were very eye opening and they expanded my love and understanding for people of our world. I realized, I don’t need half of the things I have to be happy and enjoy life. I learned to appreciate the simple things and the beauty in nature more than I did to begin with. I have discovered through my two trips to Haiti that, happiness can be found through a simple smile.